Thursday, March 26, 2015

Nothing More but a Reflection in the Windscreen (Post 5: Reflection)

     Wow! This project went by really fast! Shoutout to all those who've presented. I can honestly say that they were all fantastic presentations, and I enjoyed every one of them. There were a few that especially stood out to me, like my friend Josh's on improv on the piano. I tried some myself this afternoon, and it didn't sound anything like his! It's certainly tough!

     Looking at the project as a whole, I had a blast doing it. I learned a ton, and what I learned can be applied to other fields, such as engineering. (Why certain designs worked and which ones didn't, why some work better than others, etc.) I feel that I did a find job of conveying my passion through the blog. My knowledge about the subject, maybe not so much. Oh well, it seems everybody enjoyed seeing my failures as well as successes! I was also glad that more people seemed to know exactly what I was doing after I brought in my PC.

     While I enjoyed the blog portion, I feel like the TED Talk was a flop. I reviews the script, rehearsed the lines, but made many mistakes, even forgetting parts of the script entirely. I think that nervousness is partially to blame, being second on the first day can be nerve-wracking! (Serious props to Jason, from the afternoon block, who went first. You did a fantastic job, Jason!) On top of nervousness, I had several technical issues. Some nobody's fault, such as when the sound wouldn't work with the videos, and some my fault, such as when I had no 'backup' script for if the sound didn't work. In addition to the technical issues, I though it would be fine not to have a power point....
I'm pretty sure I was the only one who didn't have one. Same goes for notecards, I was pretty confident walking into the Audion, but going up on stage and seeing all the spotlights get turned on really threw me for a loop.

As for the blog itself... I'm going to keep flying! Why not? It's fun, immsersive, and certainly better than sitting around watching TV. Besides, like I said in the beginning, what's cooler than a chunk of metal, that can fly? And on top of that, we strapped guns, bombs, and in the more modern scene, rocket-powered-radar/lazer/heat-guided-bombs. Technology is awesome, flying chunks of metal are awesome. Everything is awesome!

YouTube Link (All videos are posted there)

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